A Newborn Gorilla in Volcanoes Shows Success of the Family - Rwanda Gorilla Updates
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A Newborn Gorilla in Volcanoes Shows Success of the Family - Rwanda Gorilla Updates

The fact that mountain gorillas have the lowest production rate, the newborn Apes in the wild is a huge success not only to the group but also to the conservationists at large! That said Rugira gave birth to her first born on 21st June, thereby helping to stiffen the success of her family that is headed by silverback Musilikale. This tremendous troop is currently observed by the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund daily in Volcanoes National Park, Northwestern, Rwanda and it is one of the newly formed gorilla families that came into scene in 2013. From the time of split, Musilikale has been able to attract at least 7 females and there have been 4 births in his entire troop including the recent birth from the mother “Rugira,” which is good news on record for this mighty family. Musilikale’s group is a newly created family which is close to that of Pablo. He formed his troop when he was still 15 years after splitting from Pablo’s family and he went with 6 other members including one female, young silverback and many youngsters.Today many tourists on their gorilla safaris to Rwanda ask to visit this group to see how it has transformed into a big dominant family in Volcanoes national park

Rugira joined Musilikale in 2015. Her mother Muganga too came the following year, after several years of splitting from the original group. But this is not as unique as it might look, given that fact that the general population of these remarkable primates tends to increase. And such growth can be of significance when it is helping to safe guard the infants like that of Rugera and not to forget their social development in the wild. Rugira’s baby is blessed due to the fact that there are 3 more babies within the family for his future playing and learning opportunities. The other benefit is that, there are also 3 silverbacks that help to protect other individuals. This is also useful especially when it comes to lure more females from other families.

Observing the behavior of this gorilla family has been hard for the Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund trackers and researchers themselves given the temperament of Musilikale as noted by Dian Fossey Fund program manager Veronica Vecellio. He is naturally a very vigilant silverback. His physical strength and aggressive temper make him the best partner and keeper for the females and infants in his group. It is therefore this kind of charismatic personality that is rendering the creation of many troops and more dynamic family variations. The forested area that is being observed by Karisoke Research Centre has more than 3 times the number of gorilla families than ever before, that depicts the general success of the Virunga Apes

In conclusion, mountain gorillas are the only large Apes whose population keeps increasing slowly. When a female gives birth, it is great success not only to the mother gorilla but also the group at large. They are known for their low production rates, meaning when an infant is born, it is joy in these Apes habitat and the conservation agencies. Their population growth also means more opportunities for them to transfer as the distance between their groups becomes reduced which also escalates number of times that they interact. These magnificent species either lose or again members. When an individual joins one group, it is good news for that silverback and bad news for the one that lost.

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